MANGROVIA PARTNERS is Sebastian Einemann’s personal inner sanctum - a space for meaningful conversations and authentic connections. Imagine a heartwarming fireside chat as snow falls quietly outside, or a spirited bar conversation at sunset with the city alive around you. It’s relaxed, genuine, and rooted in trust - a coalition of like-minded individuals coming together to do business in a way that’s all-in and deeply personal.

Here, it’s about creating magnetic moments that strengthen connections and fuel partnerships aimed at something bigger. Let’s find time to connect - whether for an initial chat, a meal, or drinks - to exchange ideas about building strategic brand and business partnerships, forging valuable alliances, and launching special projects. From major corporations to innovative startups in the U.S. and Europe, MANGROVIA PARTNERS is where opportunities turn into thriving collaborations.

Sebastian brings over 12 years of experience as an Executive in Strategic Partnerships across the U.S. and Europe. He’s collaborated with some of the world’s most recognized brands, including SMS Audio by 50 Cent, Reebok, Apple, Red Bull, Lufthansa, BYTON, BMW, Porsche, BOSS GP and Ferry Automotive.

But beyond the titles and deals, what truly matters is finding the sweet spot in each other’s mindset - whether it’s a shared love of art, sports, cooking, or exploring the new. That’s the essence of why Sebastian founded MANGROVIA PARTNERS: a passion for people, their stories, and helping great brands become love brands.
If you wanna work with Sebastian, pls drop him a line: and connect on LinkedIn. 

‘It’s not what you do, it’s WHY you do it, that moves people.’
my philanthropic & impact investing venture: The Global Echo Project